Sunday, September 23, 2007
Headache, don't know what to wear for Lynn's wedding
A week plus never blog already. My colleague went for holiday and i have to cover her duties. Super stress and have no time to log in.
Today is Sunday again, weekend always end so fast.
Lynn's wedding is coming. I'm still cracking my head of what to wear for her dinner. I've order a dress from CCT fashion, waiting for the cooridnator to order and then ship forward. I cant wear the blouse i recently order. So sad :(
I hope i can fit in the the dress that i have ordered. It's in free size hence hard to gauge...... i hate to attend dinner, always have problem thinking of what to wear, hehe
Below is the dress i've ordered. Nice? :)
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Taiwan earthquake again! Oh no!
I hate this. Whenever earthquake hit, it will affect the submarine cables and all of us will get it. All of us will be busying restoring circuits. Tired man. Why all the cables so fragile? My god. This is really not the type of life I want, I want to get out of technical field. I don’t want a stupid earthquake and affect my rest time. Piss off.
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Haw Par Villa trip!
Remember when we're young, our mum brought us to Haw Par Villa. Think it's almost 20 yrs ago. Haha, today we went back and recoup alot of young time memories :)
The water today is covered with algae, i can see the pathetic fishes and tortoises gasping for air. You all see the pictures below, you will understand.
We went together with dear dear's cousin, Wee Lee and gf. Though today is a super hot day, the guys are quite patient in taking the photos while we girls are trying to find shades to hide, haha. The sweat is like never ending dripping....hee.
We also went to the Ten courts of death. I still remember last time we went in was by boat if i didnt remember wrongly and there were screaming sounds but now, it is concrete floor and no sound effect le.
It was a tiring day but we took quite a number of photos. Here are some of them for those who has not step in Har Par Villa for yrs :)
Entrance of Har Par Villa

Friday, September 7, 2007
Planning to go Guangzhou
My bro, Huat suggested to bring mum and dad to China, Guangzhou next year. I was thinking to bring them to overseas at least once before i get married. The suggestion came at the right time cos i was thinking i wont be able to bring them by myself
He suggested to go there for a few days. He will be bringing his gf hence i will ask dear to go along. Now i'm sourcing for hotels, dont know which hotel is good in Guangzhou. I have checked out the air fare by Tiger Airway, the price per person is around $270 including tax. I think the price is still ok. I'm waiting for them to have promo then i book the tickets.
Hmmm, heard that buying things in Guangzhou is very shiok cos everything is so cheap! Cant wait to 买东西,吃东西,买东西,吃东西. hahaha
No mood to work again, haha
Don't know why, every friday i always got no mood to work. Jus had some kueys for my lunch. Later i'm gg facial with dear. Cant wait to ask them to give me a shoulder massage. Feeling so stiff since morning.
Still got 5 hours to go. Arghhh.....oh man. Cant wait to knock off
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
No mood to work
Everyone in the office misses our deputy director. Before she left, she sent us a farewell message together with a song “if we hold on together” by Diana Ross. After listening to it, I feel lagi sadder. She is a nice person. Every year end, she showed her appreciation by giving us a buffet treats. None of the DD or directors does that before. She is an approachable person whereby we can talk to her when we have problems.
Now I have no mood to work. The more I stay on, the more piss I am. I wonder why the management doesn’t appreciate staffs. All of us believe that she is being asked to go. We feel very unfair for her but there’s nothing we can do. Really sian…………………………………………………………………..